What a Slider Can Do for You


A Slider is a Digital Marketing Tool

In this week’s marketing tip we are going to take a look at what a slider is, how to use it and what it can do for your artisticpreneurial business or career.

Sliders are Everywhere

If you’re not quite sure what a slider is, chances are you’ve seen them in action without really knowing it. Have you noticed that quite a few websites these days now have multiple large images on the homepage, each picture being shown one at a time automatically? Well my friend that’s a slider!

Achieve Your Goals with a Slider

And the good news is sliders can help you achieve your goals. If you put a slider on the front of your website you can more easily describe to the visitor what the benefits are of clicking as well as what they will get in return. Because it is a moving thing, it tends to catch the eye more quickly.

Give Your Web Visitor a Gift

And it’s a good idea if your slider doesn’t just stress a benefit for the visitor such as clicking through to read an article. It’s also a results oriented strategy to actually GIVE them something they can download instantly such as a PDF eBook that is on a topic of interest to your niche audience.

Check out Our Slider

And as luck would have it, we just put a slider up on our website ArtisticPreneur as can be seen here. We did so to get more folks to sign up for our ArtisticPreneur.com Newsletter and it’s working like a charm.

For Those of You Already Receiving Our Newsletter

If you are already a member of our newsletter and want to give our new slider a spin to see how it works, unfortunately the email acquisition system knows that you are already on our email list so it won’t send you the email to download the eBook entitled: “35 Easy Tips for ArtisticPreneurs to Get New Customers & Fans Online.”

A Special for Our Existing Subscribers

For this reason, for the next week, if you are one of our existing subscribers and you want the eBook, just hit return on the slider email and we’ll send you one. Otherwise, you might just be interested in checking out what the slider looks like and how the succession of images lead to a CTA (Call to Action). So if you’d like to see it click here.

Quiz Answers Your Burning Question

A quiz that answers your burning question? What is that inquiry? It is of course “What kind of ArtisticPreneur are you?” By answering just 10 quick, fun and easy questions you’ll uncover out of 11 possible outcomes, your Emoji ArtisticPreneur Type (E.A.T.).

Why could this be useful? Because knowing your E.A.T. symbol in theory means that you’ll learn the short and sweet psychological area that you need to work on to become more successful as an ArtisticPreneur with your business or career.

What is your Emoji ArtisticPreneur Type (E.A.T.)?

There’s yet another reason to take the quiz. Why? Because it can give you a sense of what taking a quiz is like that in turn could translate into you posting your very own original quiz on YOUR website!

Quizzes are known to potentially become very viral because of the sharing that can sometimes go along with them. For example, maybe you know someone who would benefit from becoming aware of their E.A.T. sign?!

But enough of all this analysis, it’s time now to take the quiz called “What kind of ArtisticPreneur are you?” You can go to the quiz directly here on the ArtisticPreneur site. Enjoy!