Our New eBook is Available Online

An Unwelcome “Hello”

In the middle of a Pandemic, who would have thought that would be when our eBook for magicians and mentalists would finally be published. It started out as an idea a short while before the Coronavirus reared it’s ugly head. And the timing was such that when we competed the original version “Invent Mentalism,” COVID-19 chimed in its unwelcome “Hello.”

Back to the Drawing Board

It didn’t make sense to release a book about performing magic and mentalism, when at the moment, because of social distancing, there weren’t going to be any audiences available. So we swiftly went back to the drawing board and added a new bonus section on alternative income streams available for prestidigitators with a leaning toward mental magic.

Success Was on Its Way

Our dream publisher accepted the eBook. They were who we very much wanted to work with. And happily, they most kindly started giving us their feedback on the writing of our eBook and its new sections. Then, after 5.5 drafts of our publication, they green lighted it for purchase on their website. In fact, up until we ultimately decided to take it off the market, it had ascended to #1 Marketing Author and #1 Marketing Hot List.