Who Are You Trying to Reach?
It’s a simple concept, but very important. How are your mission and vision working out for you? Chances are that it might be overly complicated. Nothing personal, but most are. The reason usually is because of trying to be all things to all people. This isn’t really necessary. In fact, the more specific you get about who you are trying to reach, the better.
The Importance
Think about who and why you have come up with the mission and vision you have. Generally speaking, vision is your big picture of your organization and mission is how you are going to get there. Thinking long and hard is important. In fact, this might be the most important thing you do for your group.
Think in Terms of the Present
For example, we recently started a new organization that was following in the footsteps of an old one. The gauntlet was being passed from one collective to the other. The older faction was closing in the process. It only took a few tweaks to bring the existing org into the present.