Attention Artists: Your Business Side Needs Nurturing Too

Finding Resources

One thing that artists can never get enough of is business resources for the creative entrepreneur within, or shall we say, ArtisticPreneur. There are many programs that help artists with the careers, you just have to look for them in your community. In fact, depending on your financial situation you can even find free stuff. Also, there are websites like Artist Steps that help you stay on track. Additionally, ArtisticPreneurs are recognized for making a difference by awards shows such as Big Apple Awards, formerly known as the Platinum PIAs.

Look for Community

You want to always look for community while seeking out resources. This is because in addition to navigating your artistic and business career, you need to nurture those who can appreciate your work. You could call them fans but we prefer supporters.

Supporters Support

In this addition of ArtisticPreneur we hope to provide you with the tips, guidance, skills, and inspiration necessary to flourish as an ArtisticPreneur. Our mission is to support artists and creative entrepreneurs in their effort to achieve their goals, both with their art as well as from a business standpoint.

One of the First Things You Should Do is Monitor Yourself

Dig down deep. Are you happy or are you tortured. If you are tortured is recommended you get help, because even through there is a myth that tortured artists do the best work, the reality these days is that you need to a positive outlook as you move forward.

Will Having a Manager Solve Your Problems?

An ArtisticPreneur can be an artist who sidesteps the traditional paths to success as an artist and independently sells their art. A creative person with business acumen, is more likely to succeed. Some performing artists seek having management thinking this will solve all their problems.

The Reality of Managers

Having a manager will not solve all your problems. You must understand the business of the artistic expression that you have selected. Why? Because many managers are not so much interested in helping their clients. Instead, they are looking to hook up with someone who is already on the path of success. Why? Because then they can more effortlessly have a cash cow from which to collect profits. Artists need to see the bigger picture as sometimes explored on sites like Artist Steps.

No Conference Plans at the Moment

Many have suggested that we here at ArtisticPreneur start a conference or “trade show” for artistic people to learn how to integrate business know how into their practice so that they have more of an ability to navigate through the issues to attain successes. We here at ArtisticPreneur want you to succeed.

What is Success?

It is truly a myth that an artistic person can’t be successful as an artist and a successful person can’t be creative. This mindset keeps the ArtisticPreneur from moving in her or his career. Although it is nice to be recognized by awards shows like the Big Apple Awards, you need to keep your inner life solid to be able to work through the storms.

Work Smart

A lot of people who are ArtisticPreneurs get stuck with what they are doing. They may take a seminar or class about making money with their craft only to find that many of the strategies don’t work and the depressing (for some) reality that it is not working harder but rather is about working smarter. Yes, we know it is a cliché but it is more true these days than ever.