As an ArtisticPreneur are You a “Businessperson who Became More Artistic,” or an “Artistic Person who Became More Businesslike,” and What Does this Have to Do with Starting an Awards Show?

Which One are You?

Most ArtisticPreneurs tend to be either an Artist who has learned to become entrepreneurial, or an entrepreneur, who generates art. One could make the case that entrepreneurism is, in and of itself, a quite creative process.

We bring this up to hopefully maintain your confidence in being an ArtisticPreneur regardless of what model you and your skills came out of.

We are more committed than ever to keeping you on your Doer Path!

Is Part of Being on Your Doer Path have Anything to Do with Starting an Awards Show?

We know that for many, this comes out of left field as a question. And truth be told, clearly most of us are either not motivated to, or do not see the reason for, starting a celebration where people get symbolic prizes for good stuff, they have done in this crazed world at the moment of the peaceful being bombed, inflation, gas prices, let alone, COVID.

Being a Volunteer is Important, but Starting an Awards Show?

Why are we talking about starting an awards show?

Our Experience of being a Part of the Start and Life of the Platinum PIAs Awards

As you may know, the Platinum PIAs started in 2010 and ran through to 2019 after 10 consecutive annual awards shows, both online and off. Something that many people do not know, is that the PIAs started quite by accident. A production company was working on a video docudrama and intended to have a premiere for it upon its completion. Still months more work to be done on the video project, a screening room was booked for a date that was anticipated to follow in time, right after the completion of the video.

A Surprise Twist (for Us Anyway)

A pivot was unexpectedly needed as the date of the screening room event got very close. The problem through was that the video was far from completion. In fact, as the editing process evolved, the video makers were not happy with what was gelling. Then a week passed. And another. And yet another. At this point the project was put on hold indefinitely. But there was a problem. The deposit for the screening room was nonrefundable, and many people had RSVP’d for the event. Thankfully, things had been pretty vague about the video and the happening in general.

A New Plan Out of Necessity

A new plan of what do with the screening room had to be thrown together and quickly. That is when a thought came to mind that was based on the history of the participants in the putting together of the video project in a holding pattern. They had started a few blogs dedicated to NYC communities, that later became a part of the Blog Coalition.

A Concept Began to Take Form

The idea that was being considered was to put together some kind of community event. Further thinking on the matter was that it would be great if a celebration could be created, recognizing those people, small businesses, artists and more who were active in their neighborhoods could be recognized for making a difference. Then it all came into focus. What better way to recognize the good work someone had done in their community than to have it happen withing the parameters of being an awards show! Hence the Platinum PIAs was born. PIA being an acronym of “People into Altruism.” In other words, individuals who gave hope to others in the pursuit of strong community. And those honored? You got it, “Businesspeople who are Artistic,” as well as “Artistic People who are businesslike!”

For Those of You Who Want to Promote Yourselves You are Going to Like This

What are the top 10 methods to promote yourself if you’re on a budget? There’s a new article on the Art Gush website that claims to have the answer. Also contained in the piece is a warning about publicizing yourself online. We agree. Celebify yourself at your own risk. The post so rightly states that once you pass the line into the path toward being a public figure, it is very hard to turn back. So we suggest to you that you analyze now why you want fame. Please do so before clicking here. Ask yourself if you are doing this for business reasons such as promoting an online store, or are you doing so in the search of adulation. It of course can be a combination of both. Though, if the primary motivation is that you want the attention, it might behoove you to ponder the loss of privacy that will happen and not click on the link. It’s of course entirely up to you. We know you’ll make the right choice.

What Does BigFoot Zombie Really Want?

Celebify BigFoot Zombie
This is one of the most famous photos of BigFoot Zombie (formerly known as just BigFoot pre “Walking Dead”). Is it possible to further celebify BigFoot Zombie in relation to his new career direction? Please read this post and form your own opinion.

Is it Possible to Celebify Any Kind of Being?

Getting to the bottom of what BigFoot Zombie really wants is something best left to the creators of the website of which we are big fans. claims that BigFoot Zombie wants to become a rock star.

Ownership of Our Digital Domain for Success

The path to become a rock star is something right up our alley since we work with artists of all kinds and small businesses who want more customers, clients and fans.

We weren’t Asked for Our Advice Regarding the Mythical Monster’s Singing Ambitions

We weren’t consulted regarding giving advice to the furry guy to achieve his pop music dream, but we found that the consultants who were spoken to had insights worth considering.

It’s Engaging Tongue Firmly in Cheek Fare

Can you relate? Would you like to be on the world stage vocalizing your heart out? Or maybe you’re a business who could benefit from tunes oriented publicity? Either way we think you’ll find this BFZ post to be interesting and delightful as a recreational  read.