Strategic Plan for

ArtisticPreneur eBook
We never thought that withholding an eBook would start such a commotion. In this blog entry we explore the situation as well as come up with a possible solution.

ArtisticPreneur Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes there has been activity in conjunction with a strategic plan that is being developed by for site upgrade which could take 2 months or more to complete. What this will mean to you the user, is that eventually you will have access to educational content regarding audience engagement and development tactics.

The eBook that Started a Ruckus

One of the first educational products we created is an eBook entitled “Exclusively for ArtisticPreneurs: How to Get More New Customers, Clients and Fans in 5 Easy Steps.” Once the eBook was completed the realization set in that we could not release this eBook until the upgrades were complete on the ArtisticPreneur blog which could take over 2 months. But when we withheld the eBook some members of our extended “family” of ArtisticPreneurs made it very clear that they were upset with the choice to not release the eBook yet. Takes Responsibility for eBook Delay

In the long run we plan on having more than one PDF eBook at a time on the upgraded ArtisticPreneur site. We believe that we’ll be able to provide a unique twist on the communications process through our eBooks. We will always make certain to test the ideas out ourselves before condensing them down into a digital product. All this and more once we are able to also provide the digital tools that can be used in conjunction with eBook information.

Digital Tools and Site Upgrade

Here at ArtisticPreneur we are going as quickly as we can to create a new set of low and no cost Digital Marketing Tools as well as do upgrades to our site itself.

Waiting for Tools to Be Available

You may have seen the recent post on the Art Gush website called “Digital Tools Muse to the Rescue.” Although we feel badly for not having yet published the eBook, we believe strongly that it is best to wait until the low and no cost Digital Marketing Tools are available.

We Want Readers to Have Access to Tools if they Need Them

Of course some eBook readers are going to want to create the tools themselves, but for those who do not have that skillset we want to give them options so they can quickly implement whichever of the 5 steps that they want to.

Working Hard

Equipping the ArtisticPreneur site with Digital Download capabilities while simultaneously upgrading the ArtisticPreneur site plus eventually making 10 Digital Marketing Tools available is a lot more work than one would think.

When is it Going to Happen?

Although we are being pushed for an estimated one, we still don’t have anĀ  ETA. And by the way ETA not only stands for Estimated Time of Arrival but is also is the seventh letter of the Greek alphabet plus ETA is the seventh star in the constellation.

Working to Visually Match our Global Vision in a Fun Way

And speaking of the constellation you may have noticed that we’ve been experimenting with new images on our homepage that better reflect the direction we are going which empowering folks to be able to appear on the global stage online. At the time of this writing you can go here to view the latest homepage image that literally contains the planet Earth. On a mobile phone you’ll only see the globe portion but on a computer you’ll get the full view which reveals that the world is on a literal stage with theater curtains.

Another Possible Plan

Here at we do want to say we are extremely grateful for the interest in the eBook. One solution we have come up with is the possible release of another eBook first. In other words we would prioritize getting the store up and could put a different original eBook there. This would give us more time to work on the digital tools. Just a thought. As always please let us know what you think. Thanks!