A Business Extravert Calls out to Startup Introverts

One of the biggest mistakes that intelligent and talented people make is believing that “It can’t be this easy.” Well, “Spoiler Alert” it is. Plus, this is something you can learn. You see, if you have the good or bad fortune, depending on how you look at it, you will make the same mistake over and over because you continue to refuse to see how very simple success can be. As nonbeliever, you will never know it and will walk right past the doorway which will continue to be invisible, right under your nose.

Be real and ask yourself if you are willing to continue to give into your pitfalls, thereby not seeing them?! Are you fine with not having insight that could make it possible to avoid another incident confirming the untrue belief you have that you are too bright to be a real and external “success?” Are you willing to sign off on that it is meant to be that you continue to plumet when you could have prevented this from happening? By just opening your eyes.

It is as if you were blind to the success you deserve?! Not that it may matter to you, but when you feel the most powerless, that, ironically, is when you are more than equipped to protect yourself. A mental diet of healthy food simply means leveraging your abilities. You already have “it.” You always have. And if it makes you feel better, then learn.