Thanks for Your Input

Happy New Year ArtisticPreneurs. You gave use very helpful feedback and we thank you. Now the question: are Millennials in a fight against Gen-X-ers? Will Boomers sweep in and declare victory?

Happy New Year to You and Yours!

It’s New Year’s Eve, 20018 and one of the things we are thankful for while entering 2019 is YOU. Your input makes this blog better. Thanks to those ArtisticPreneurs who participated in conjunction with the request from last week. It’s like one big family here in ArtisticPreneurLand. You had some very good ideas which have been integrated. Now the question is, do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?

This Week’s Tip

This week’s Digital Marketing Tip is that getting constructive feedback is very useful when working on creative projects. I highly recommend it. Why does it work? Because other people see things that you don’t do to the fact that you’re too attached. Maybe consider getting feedback on your current ArtisticPreneurial endeavors.

A New Page

If you want to see the new page that you helped to create then just go to and click on the menu item called “Over50Creative.” Or another way to get there is to type into your browser and it will forward you to the page on the site. This is the start of rolling out the “Over 50” project that we have under consideration. I didn’t know until I did the research that “Over 50” is a “thing.” But apparently a “thing” mostly in Long Island and parts of New Jersey. But a “thing” nonetheless. Why ist being over 50 not much of a “thing” here in Manhattan NY, NY?

Gen X Versus the Boomers

Gen X-ers (1961 – 1981) who are on the older side, are quick to let you know that they are Generation X not to be confused with those “Boomers.” And to make things even more tense, some people say the GX birth date range starts from 1961 and not 1965 so there is possibly an area that they overlap with the Boomer folks.

Returning to Your Original Creative Dream

What does this have to do with the “Over 50 Creatives?” The logic and theory is that those who are over 50 (in NJ and LI) may have been working at corporate jobs to make ends meet, but now that they are more comfortable and in their ‘50’s, it becomes the time to want to live out their original dream such as being writers, actors and musicians etc. Who knows, these individuals might have something very important artistically to contribute.

For Some, Entrepreneurship is an Ambition

This also goes for “Shark Tank” viewers who are over 5 decades old. Some people who are over 50 feel like they never got their shot at doing a small business. So now they will put on their entrepreneur hat or maybe even their ArtisticPreneur one.

You Go 50ish-ers

What do you think? Is there a group out there who are over the age of 50 and who now want to realize the artistic goals that they once had with themselves? And who knows, if this is the case, maybe some of these humans can give the Millennials (1982 – 2004) a run for their money and even set a good example for the up and coming Generation Z kids (1995 – 2015).

Enter “The Top 10 Digital Marketing Tools System”

The reason we’re exploring those who are over 50 is because we think that our new Top 10 Digital Marketing Tools System, because of its ease of use, might be a good fit for them. We’ll see. Meanwhile, we hope that you have a wonderful 20019 and we look forward to many more collaborations!

Happy New Year and ArtisticPreneurially yours,


ArtisticPreneur “Secret” Revealed


Mystery to be Revealed

Sorry about being so mysterious last week. I try to create useful content for you, the ArtisticPreneur, drawing from actual digital projects that we are working on. And I have a superstition about not wanting to reveal something until it is up and running. But today I am going to break that rule to share something I’ve been putting time into.

Crucial to Determine for ArtisticPreneurs

It might not seem to be such a big deal, but it really is. I’m talking about knowing who your audience is. Who are the people who are most likely going to be appreciative of whatever you do? Whether you’re an artist of any kind or a business owner who is creative, it is crucial to identify your peeps so that you can get more customers, clients and fans.

What is YOUR Avatar?

I have to admit, I’ve been guilty about being too general regarding the demographic I’ve wanted to connect with. When working with others such as on this newsletter, I’ve always seen the “avatar” as being defined by one word. You guessed it: ArtisticPreneur.

Build Profile

Thinking about defining your intended group can be deceptive though. You may believe you are doing so, but are you getting the results you seek? Last week the thing that I was working on that I didn’t want to talk about was that I undertook building a profile of who I wanted to reach.

Can be Customized for YOUR Use

I am oh so grateful to you, a regular reader, for sticking with this weekly digital exploration. And please don’t take offense if the description of the audience that was uncovered by me is not you. Because it goes without saying that any strategies we reveal here can be custom applied to your needs.

Is There a Safe Path?

Okay, I’m getting ready to jump into the water. Before I get soaking wet though, I should explain how I landed on this particular collective of targeted humans. They say you need to look into the mirror once in a while. And when I did recently I saw starring back at me  a man who is creative and has had some major opportunities early in his career but never took them on and instead went down the safer path.

How are We the Same?

And the breakthrough that I had as I starred into the metaphorical looking glass, is that there are likely a lot of over folks out there, both female and male (or however you self identify), who I could understand very easily because we may, over the years, have experienced some of the same difficult decisions as well as pop culture and other elements.

Have You Had Any Lost Opportunities?

Now this doesn’t mean we’re going to transform this newsletter into one that is just for people over 50 who are creative and have had lost opportunities, but it does mean on occasion we may give you updates on how the project is going. So I leave you now with three words that are the key to the secret revealed: “Over 50 Creative.” Stay tuned. More to come.

A Frustrating Secret

secret in heart
The secret is in our heart but that doesn’t keep it from being frustrating. We promise we’ll turn the key and open the door soon.


Searching for a Marketing Topic

This is actually our second attempt at writing this week’s newsletter and blog post. We started down the path of another concept, but when we reread it, it did not appeal to us. So here we are on a Thursday morning, the usual day for delivery as of late, and we’re still battling with deciding what to write about.

Appealing or Off Putting?

We don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but lately our focus has been to draw directly from the digital marketing projects we’re currently working on. And this edition is no different. The problem with the current topic we want to examine is that it is a “secret.” We know, that word is a double edged sword. It can be either be appealing or off putting. Frankly we usually opt with the latter.

Should We Open Pandora’s Box?

But in fact it is a secret. Why? Because we’re not sure yet we’re going this direction in the form of a new web page on the website. Adding this page could mean a big change in the organization, but first it would have to be tested. We believe that there is a certain untapped market that we might open Pandora’s box for. Unfortunately the untapped market is a secret also.

We Hope You’re Not Losing Your Patience Too Much

You’re probably losing your patience with the whole “Secret” thing. We dislike it also and find it frustrating. But we truly cannot reveal what it is today and need to wait for next week, by which time hopefully the mystery of the market will be uncovered like a magician pulling a silk (magician’s term for foulard) away from the table to uncover that a new object has appeared from nowhere. Is this idea we’re thinking of doing coming from nowhere? No. Why? Because it’s founded in who we are and what we do.

Wrapping it Up

In closing, we promise next week won’t be so trying because we’ll reveal the new market even if we decide not to tap it. Additionally, the lesson we learned from writing this is that in the world of digital marketing sometimes you have to keep something secret even if you don’t want to.

Until then, all the best.